Many people believe that once they have created a will—whether drafted by an experienced attorney, or using a DIY solution or online form—they will have avoided probate. Unfortunately, they are [...]
Because we don’t like to talk or think about death, we find many people don’t understand what actually needs to happen after a death. Many of us think, “My estate and assets will go to my kids. [...]
A major question in planning for seniors today is, “How can I protect my property from nursing home costs?” Statistically, the chance that a senior will enter a skilled nursing facility, [...]
The summer is time for sunglasses, the beach, ice cream, and of course, superhero blockbusters. And it’s not a bad time to get your financial planning and estate planning in order, either. [...]
When I was young I could fly. No really, I could. As long as I had a good running start down the hallway I could make a horizontal jump at least 3 or 4 feet into the air and onto my [...]
Your parents may be in their 70s or 80s, and like many in their generation, have the ethos that personal information – especially anything having to do with money or estate planning – is private [...]