Sue Goodrich, Administrative Assistant

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Sue joined Borchers Trust Law in November of 2021 as Administrative Assistant, bringing over 20 years of customer service and administrative experience. Sue worked with YMCA members for years helping families join the Y and assisting them with camp programs and individual classes. She found this a great way to get to know the community and participate in fundraising activities. She also worked as an Administrative Assistant at the Congregational Church of Mansfield helping to organize both church-wide events as well as Boy Scout and Girl Scout troop events.

Sue is very close with her family. She has a daughter Riley who attends UVM and is on a fast track to getting her master’s degree in education. Sue and her family enjoy spending every summer down the Cape four wheeling on Crowes Pasture or visiting different beaches. This tradition started very early on as children and continues with her cousins and Riley’s cousins. During Covid, Sue made dinners for the Mask Makers of Norton. This was a great way for her to meet new people in the community who were working so diligently to keep everyone safe.

Sue is outgoing, friendly and empathetic when talking with clients and is a nice addition to our engaged team at Borchers Trust Law.